Monday, October 24, 2011

Algebra: Function

Function is where children are aspect to recognize and identify how "thing" is change in relation to each other.

Here, children have to know which is the input and output of the function.
Circle is the input, triangle is the output.
Q: What will the circle change into?

Also, function is focusing on children to describe the change and rule that show how the thing is change.

Figure 1: Concept of function

For example:

T: Look at the Function Machine and tell me how does it operate based on the input and output of the machine.

S: The function machine that should go in the space is (X 4).

Besides from the example above, teacher can test children by asking them to find the input and output of the Function Machine.

Below is an example of question that can be used to find the output of Function Machine.

T: Look at the Function Machine and tell me how does it operate based on the input and output of the machine.
S: The output for 26 is 130 as the relation is (input x 5) 

Click here for more fun activities about function: Function game and Function machine

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